What is PCT?

Person Centered Therapies, Inc. is a therapy practice that was established to bring social-emotional health, wholeness, and freedom to the adults and children whom we serve. Our practice is an individual person centered and driven practice that allows the client themselves to be an equal member of their healing journey. We emphasize that this is a collaborative process under the guidance of two practitioners who have 50 years combined therapy practice. The core of our practice is RELATIONSHIP; coming to know and understand the person, who they are, and what makes their “engine run” so that they can be freer in the world outside our four walls is key.

Our society is bringing more and more to the forefront the impact of diet, environment, birth and life trauma, the breakdown and dysfunction of the family system, noise and its impact on hearing and listening, and the impact of technology on the neurological, social and emotional development of the person. We are seeking a healthier and more inclusive society for those with outward physical and neurological disAbilities. We are working to allow individuals of all abilities to value themselves and to be valued as individuals for their gifts and talents by others. As a practice, our goal is to allow individuals to value themselves for who they are, their abilities and their gifts, and to encourage them to utilize their gifts as active members of their family system and in society as a whole. In the words of Maya Angelou, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud. Do not complain. Make every effort to change things you do not like. If you cannot make a change, change the way you have been thinking. You might find a new solution.” (Letter to My Daughter, Maya Angelou)

As Paddy works with each individual adult or child who may come from physical and/or emotional stress, verbal or physical abuse, rape, developmental outward disabilities, or simply wanting to learn a healthier and more whole life, his goal is to allow the person’s body to heal itself as he facilitates through the technique of Cranio-Sacral Therapy. In using this form of emotional freeing, the person finds themselves in physical healing and maturing in their ability to enter relationships, be it personal or professional, as open equal communicators in the relationships they encounter. As we let go of those programs for emotional happiness that are integrated in us by 3 years of age, and free the added stress and trauma that have pushed the tissue memory to the brink of stress, our physical, emotional, and spiritual healing are set free. This is a form of empowerment, so as to not be reduced by the events in life, but to walk with strength and freedom to be our true selves in life.

Mary’s work spans a spectrum of life and a spectrum of children from the educationally-termed “cognitively gifted” through those who are educationally-termed “moderate to intensive” (whose communication is non-verbal and through behavior). Her focus is to allow all children to reach their fullest ability in communication which encompasses speech, receptive and expressive language (both verbal and non-verbal), social understanding, and executive function skills. She has broadened her skills to parent teaching and mentoring to include positive parenting through the use and understanding of the impact of global neurodevelopment to allow a child’s social emotional and sensory processing development to be a driving force to their language and communication development. Synthesizing the work of Stanley Greenspan, MD and Jean Ayres, PhD, along with more the recent neurodevelopment experts such as Norman Doidge, MD and Daniel J. Siegel, MD, into her practice has allowed her to foster parents to come to know and understand how their child’s engine runs, its impact on their language and communication, and how this changes as they grow and develop through teenage years. This understanding by the parents will facilitate the empowerment of the child in their ability to engage and communicate with others no matter what educational label is placed on them. This practice has also been broadened to school teams who are open to this level of collaborative work.

The encompassing practice of Person Centered Therapies, Inc. has opened the doors of freedom and empowerment to people ages birth through the geriatrics. Through positive relationship and understanding, we bring the tools to the person to allow them to be empowered in who they are and developing their abilities. We work to be present to those we serve in body, mind and spirit allowing them to become their very best self, no matter what the educational or societal label. In the words of one of my most favorite authors, Maya Angelou, who journeyed in her life to become her very best self: “If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Take the journey, be it for yourself or your child, and allow yourselves to be empowered to become your very best self.

— Mary Padula, MA, CCC/SLP, Neurodevelopment Program Consultant
